Dee's Tracings

Monday, November 29, 2004

More about the UN

Of course, the problem with the United Nations goes far deeper than Annan's questionable leadership. Annan, who has spent virtually his entire career as a UN bureaucrat, last year appointed a group of elderly statesmen to assess possible reforms in a world much changed since 1945, when the United Nations came into existence.

UN's Annan makes losing bet on Kerry

Is it time for the US to get out of the UN?

I think so. The scandal of the Oil for Food Program should be the tipping point.

Of course, in a $20 billion ripoff, $125,000 to the boss's son for doing nothing is chump change. But it should lead to questions for the son: what are his associations with families in the oil industry? (Yamani or ya life!) Did he lie to his father about four years of fees from Cotecna, or did Kofi fail to ask him? Did Kojo inform Sevan about the fees, or know about any lucrative oil vouchers given by Saddam to Sevan?

'My Son, My Son'

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Why do we have to put each other down?

Are we like crabs?

The attacks on Dr. Rice and Gen. Powell are the results of one-think where all blacks are to think alike. Any who stray are race traitors. A monopoly on ideas serves no one well and explains why solutions to problems for a large segment of the black community will remain elusive.

Attacking Condi

Muslims in Britain

Hunched in black robes over his microphone, Sheikh Omar Bakri suddenly heaves himself upright in rhetorical climax and pounds the table. "Embrace capitalism or Christianity, you go to hellfire!" he bellows. The crowd of men seated before him nod in agreement as Sheikh Bakri warns against misplaced sympathy for Western society.

"Don't think that because [the unbelievers] give us income support we should have less hate," he continues. "Because we hate not for our sakes, but for the sake of Allah."

British Muslims push to integrate

Monday, November 22, 2004

Iraq 'n' roll

Via Betsy's Page.

As tanks geared up to trample Fallujah and American troops started circling the city, special operations officers rifled through their CD cases, searching for a sound track to spur the assault
Read the whole thing.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Suck it up and move on

To support their views, they cite academic-sounding treatises claiming the GOP tinkered with the results. Bloggers fan the flames. E-mail spreads the accusations. And even though newspapers have knocked down the conspiracy theories of widespread voter fraud, the paranoia won't subside. Reporters are going about it the wrong way, the conspiracists contend, trying to prove why the exit polls were wrong.

They so distrust the mainstream media that they consider them to be participants in a cover-up orchestrated by Karl Rove. To them, the Internet constitutes a parallel world that dares to tell the truth. In the media, only brash Keith Olbermann, a former sports reporter hosting an MSNBC program, has had the courage to speak the truth, they say. Urgent e-mails claim he's been fired for speaking up. The truth is, he was just on vacation.
Liberals, the election is over, live with it

Friday, November 19, 2004

U.S. Media Do the Terrorists' Bidding

Via Rantburg.

Are the media on our side? If so, why are they doing the bidding of a bunch of murderous thugs who enjoy lopping off innocent peoples’ heads?

We are once again getting the answer loud and clear: To the media, U.S. troops in Iraq are always wrong, and the enemies is usually shown, not as a terrorists, but a victims of unwarranted U.S. aggression.

Read the whole thing.

Clueless Moonbat Alert!

I wish entertainers would just shut up and entertain.

Don't get her started on the recent presidential election. "People don't realize that by voting Republican, they voted against themselves," she says. Of Iraq (news - web sites) in particular, she adds, "I worry that some people are entertained by the idea of this war. They don't know anything about the Iraqis, but they're angry and frustrated in their own lives. It's like Germany, before Hitler took over. The economy was bad and people felt kicked around. They looked for a scapegoat. Now we've got a new bunch of Hitlers."

Linda Ronstadt, hummin' an outraged tune

She's not competent?

Who is he to judge who is competent? Liberals love to say how tolerant they are. I guess they are only tolerant of blacks who are members of the Democratic Party.

A radio talk show host drew criticism Thursday after calling Condoleezza Rice (news - web sites) an "Aunt Jemima" and saying she isn't competent to be secretary of state.

John Sylvester, the program director and morning personality on WTDY-AM in Madison, said in a phone interview Thursday that he used the term on Wednesday's show to describe Rice and other blacks as having only a subservient role in the Bush administration.

Rice has served as President Bush's national security adviser and was named this week to replace the departing Colin Powell as secretary of state.

Sylvester, who is white, also referred to Powell as an "Uncle Tom" — a contemptuous term for a black whose behavior toward whites is regarded as fawning or servile.

Radio Host Calls Rice 'Aunt Jemima'

Fallujah - terrorist arms depot?

I've given up on the main stream media. They hyperventilate over minutiae and ignore important stories. Why isn't this item all over the news?

The scale of the weapons cache discovered Wednesday by Bravo Company at the suspected Zarqawi charity was the largest found in the city so far - and stashed in such a nondescript collection of buildings that US troops passed by several times without taking a closer look.

With an estimated 1,000 pounds of explosives, it could have caused damage up to six city blocks away, if detonated all at once. "Not all this stuff was being used for Fallujah - a lot was being exported out, and used as IEDs and car bombs in Ramadi and elsewhere," says Colonel Tucker at the downtown site, just 200 yards from the central Hadra Mohamadiya mosque. "This was the central location for planning."

The weapons store was laid out like an office, and worked under the legal name of the "Islamic Association - Fallujah Branch." Offices were full of documents about prosthetic limbs, and emergency medical work.

Inside, too, were photographs of staffers handing out International Committee of the Red Cross food and medical packets. Some ICRC equipment still littered the rooms, along with orders for more crutches and wheelchairs.

Fallujah yields up weapons, videos

Thursday, November 18, 2004

What he said

The Times of London refers to a Marine "killing an unarmed man in cold blood." If that was his purpose he could have opened fire when he entered the room, instead of waiting until he saw an Iraqi terrorist faking being dead -- for what purpose the Marine had no way of knowing.

We cannot fight wars to please The Times of London or the other nay-sayers and nit-pickers who have been against us from the beginning. There is no point trying to appease people who are not going to be appeased anyway. And to do so at an increased risk to American lives would be criminal.

Supporting the troops'?

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Religion of Death Threats

What can one say about a religion whose followers cannot take criticism?

Mimount Bousakla, 32, contacted police after receiving threatening telephone calls last weekend, said a Socialist party official who asked not to be identified. Bousakla showed up for work at Parliament on Wednesday, but now lives at a secret location.

"She again received threats and now has round-the-clock police protection and has gone into hiding," the official said.

Belgian Senator Withdraws After Threats

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Want to Move Because Bush Won?

Are you outraged that George W. Bush
was re-elected President of the United

2. Are you wondering how a majority of the
citizens of the United States could vote
for such an idiot?

3. Are you wondering how you can survive
in the United States for four more years
with George W. Bush as President?

4. Do you believe you would be better off
in a country that more closely reflects
your political leanings?

Don't worry! We can help!

Should Canada indict Bush?

Snicker...I guess Bush should go fishing in other countries and stay out of Canada.

When U.S. President George W. Bush arrives in Ottawa — probably later this year — should he be welcomed? Or should he be charged with war crimes?

It's an interesting question. On the face of it, Bush seems a perfect candidate for prosecution under Canada's Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes Act.

This act was passed in 2000 to bring Canada's ineffectual laws in line with the rules of the new International Criminal Court. While never tested, it lays out sweeping categories under which a foreign leader like Bush could face arrest.

Read the whole thing.

Drones pick off 'rats' of Fallujah

Via Rantburg.

As US troops sweep through the houses, they are unearthing the insurgents' horrifying secrets – more akin to the handiwork of psychotic serial killers than guerillas or even terrorists – that have shocked the world and explain why this devastating offensive has met with so little opposition from the Arab world. This included the disembowelled and limbless body of a blonde woman, possibly Pole Teresa Borcz, who was married to an Iraqi and abducted two weeks ago.

As the guerillas run their last sprint from death, sympathy for their cause among Iraqis is just as rapidly running out.

Read the whole thing.

Adapting to the enemy

"That's how they move from place to place and survive," Sergeant Sarino said, as flames began licking up the food cache. "They go from house to house, and stockpile food and water wherever they can. You have to [burn it], because that's the only way to defeat them: Deny them food and water, and force them to come out."

Marine, insurgent tactics evolve

Friday, November 12, 2004

Cleaning out Fallujah

US marines uncovered an underground prison in Fallujah containing at least two bodies and two emaciated brothers who were still alive, an intelligence officer, who refused to be identified, told AFP.

US marines find underground prison, bodies in Fallujah

Thursday, November 11, 2004

The Killers

Great article on the killing of Theo van Gogh by Michael Ledeen.

We have seen this sort before; Mohammed B. is the Dutch-Moroccan version of the British-Pakistani killer of Daniel Pearl. Both came from good families that had to all appearances successfully assimilated into Western society. Both were well educated and upwardly mobile. Both had money and opportunity. Neither suffered unusual discrimination. Both lived in politically correct, meticulously tolerant societies that permitted no intrusion on their private lives. There was no apparent reason, either psychological or sociological, why either should have become a killer. Yet each freely chose — freely chose — to become a terrorist.

Read the whole thing.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Iraq Troops Find 'Hostage Slaughterhouses'

Iraqi troops have found "hostage slaughterhouses" in Fallujah where foreign captives were held and killed, the commander of Iraqi forces in the city said Wednesday.

Read the whole thing.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Election '04 epiphanies

While 44 percent of Hispanics, America's largest and fastest-growing minority, voted for Bush, African-Americans continued to marginalize themselves, again voting nearly unanimously (88 percent) for the Democratic nominee. In coming years, while Hispanics are conducting a highly advantageous political auction for their support, African-Americans evidently will continue being taken for granted by Democrats.

George Will: Election '04 epiphanies

Blacks are voting themselves into irrelevancy. We are our own worst enemy.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Get Used to It

Via Betsy's Page.

Apparently, I'm mistaken. To judge from the blasts of blather, Bush is now obligated to give Kerry supporters exactly what Kerry promised them. Kerry said he would work with allies before making decisions about terror and would appoint judges The New York Times approved of and would raise taxes on the rich, so Bush better do all that or else. And, most important, the openly religious Americans the Democrats despise should be sent to the back of the bus.

Extra, extra! Here's real news: Elections matter. That's why we have them. Bush won. Get over it.

Michael Goodwin: Bush won - get used to it

Winners and Losers

Karl Rove and Matthew Dowd. Reporters listened skeptically the week before the election when the Bush campaign's two leading strategists insisted they were comfortably ahead in Florida and were leading in Ohio, but it doesn't look like spin anymore. At a lunch with reporters five days before the election, Mr. Dowd correctly predicted that Mr. Bush would win the popular vote nationwide by three points.

Now That the Dust Has Settled

Candidate for the Darwin Award

Via Rantburg.

AN anti-nuclear activist died in France after his leg was cut off by a train transporting nuclear waste while he was sitting on a railway track, France's SNCF railway operator said today.

Protester's leg cut off by train (November 8, 2004)


Saturday, November 06, 2004

Amir Taheri: Young Bush teaches 'old Europe' a lesson


Oh la la! This was the first reaction of the French elite yesterday as they learned about President George W Bush's re-election. Having spent much of Tuesday evening celebrating what they believed would be a landslide win for Senator John F. Kerry, the crème de la crème of chic Paris could not believe that Bush had been returned for four more years.

GN Online: Amir Taheri: Young Bush teaches 'old Europe' a lesson

Friday, November 05, 2004

Blacks should reflect on conservatism

As a young black person, I long for the day when conservative policymakers like Bush will be able to make true inroads in the African-American community. Democrats have long taken the black vote for granted, talking the good talk, yet failing to offer meaningful reform in their communities.

When I talk with other blacks about their view of the GOP, they see a party that harms African-Americans. I see a party of personal responsibility, values and smaller government that acts to make all people self-reliant — a goal of our nation's finest black leaders, too.

Read the whole thing.

Why I Voted for President Bush

It really annoys me when people ask me why, as a black woman, would I vote for George Bush and not for John Kerry and the Democratic Party. Just because I’m black does not mean that the Democratic Party owns my vote. I can study the issues and come up with who I want to vote for based on my own criteria without being obligated to think of the feelings of the Democratic Party or black people as a whole. This is the first time I voted for Republicans. I voted for Al Gore in 2000 and now I wish I could have a do over.

I voted for George Bush this year because I believe that he understands the enemy that we are fighting. I voted a straight Republican ticket because I think the Democratic Party needs to get a clue and rework what they stand for.

John Kerry lost me when he stated that we had to have a global test, go to the UN, talk to Europe (i.e., France and Germany), before taking action to defend ourselves. The UN is totally corrupt (see oil for food program of which France/Germany was a big part). Of course, France and Germany did not want to go to war against Saddam. Going to war stopped their gravy train.

John Kerry would have liked to go the law enforcement way to deal with terrorists. We’ve tried that, it lead to 3000 people being killed. I believe in preemption, if we are fighting them over there we get a break from them attacking us over here. I don’t believe it was just luck that there has not been an attack on American soil in the last three years.

The Democratic Party lost me because of their actions. At the Democratic convention, Michael Moore, a man whose work is quoted by Osama Bin Laden, sits in the same box as Jimmy Carter.

People whined about how Bush is Hitler, the main stream media tried their best to get Kerry elected, George Soros threw his millions away to get Bush out of office, and gave it their best shot. None of these attacks worked because a majority of Americans believe that Bush understands the threat and Kerry didn’t.

Now the whining and recriminations begin and instead of taking a good hard look at how the Democratic Party is losing voters. They are attacking the people who voted for Bush. I’m not a Christian fundamentalist, gay hating hick. However, if it makes the Democrats feel better to attack me then go for it. It won’t make them win elections but it will make them feel good I guess.

I’m switching my party affiliation from Democrat to Republican.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Let Us Savor

Too bad that Bush did not pick up more of the black vote. However, I'm not giving up hope that blacks will not vote themselves into irrelevancy.

George W. Bush is the first president to win more than 50% of the popular vote since 1988. (Bill Clinton failed to twice; Mr. Bush failed to last time and fell short of a plurality by half a million.) The president received more than 59 million votes, breaking Ronald Reagan's old record of 54.5 million. Mr. Bush increased his personal percentages in almost every state in the union. He carried the Catholic vote and won 42% of the Hispanic vote and 24% of the Jewish vote (up from 19% in 2000.)

Peggy Noonan: So Much to Savor

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Four More Years!

This is just wonderful. Time to get serious with Iran and Syria.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Bye Moonbats!

I hope that they really go through with this. Sadly, I think it's all empty talk though.

But fear at what may happen in the key swing states of Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania has led to an escalation in coffee-shop chatter about emigration to Canada, Britain and elsewhere.

''Do you think Great Britain would give us political asylum?'' a woman in Starbucks asked. ''It's just ... I don't think I can stay if Bush wins again.''

Mr. Crawford said it would be a difficult decision to move his nine-year-old son from his elementary school. ''But if I feel he's going to be living in an environment that's not safe for him, then I will do it. First and foremost I'm a dad.''

"I don't think I can stay if Bush wins"