It really annoys me when people ask me why, as a black woman, would I vote for George Bush and not for John Kerry and the Democratic Party. Just because I’m black does not mean that the Democratic Party owns my vote. I can study the issues and come up with who I want to vote for based on my own criteria without being obligated to think of the feelings of the Democratic Party or black people as a whole. This is the first time I voted for Republicans. I voted for Al Gore in 2000 and now I wish I could have a do over.
I voted for George Bush this year because I believe that he understands the enemy that we are fighting. I voted a straight Republican ticket because I think the Democratic Party needs to get a clue and rework what they stand for.
John Kerry lost me when he stated that we had to have a global test, go to the UN, talk to Europe (i.e., France and Germany), before taking action to defend ourselves. The UN is totally corrupt (see oil for food program of which France/Germany was a big part). Of course, France and Germany did not want to go to war against Saddam. Going to war stopped their gravy train.
John Kerry would have liked to go the law enforcement way to deal with terrorists. We’ve tried that, it lead to 3000 people being killed. I believe in preemption, if we are fighting them over there we get a break from them attacking us over here. I don’t believe it was just luck that there has not been an attack on American soil in the last three years.
The Democratic Party lost me because of their actions. At the Democratic convention, Michael Moore, a man whose work is quoted by Osama Bin Laden, sits in the same box as Jimmy Carter.
People whined about how Bush is Hitler, the main stream media tried their best to get Kerry elected, George Soros threw his millions away to get Bush out of office, and gave it their best shot. None of these attacks worked because a majority of Americans believe that Bush understands the threat and Kerry didn’t.
Now the whining and recriminations begin and instead of taking a good hard look at how the Democratic Party is losing voters. They are attacking the people who voted for Bush. I’m not a Christian fundamentalist, gay hating hick. However, if it makes the Democrats feel better to attack me then go for it. It won’t make them win elections but it will make them feel good I guess.
I’m switching my party affiliation from Democrat to Republican.