Dee's Tracings

Sunday, October 31, 2004


The NY Daily News endorses Bush.

Returning Bush to office is the wise course, The News believes, despite our sharp disagreement with his domestic policies. Those pale in comparison with the overarching challenge of securing the nation and preserving New York's vital way of life. Of the two candidates, Bush has the clearer vision for accomplishing the goal, as well as the greater experience. He gets our endorsement.

Right war, right time, right man

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Only the lawyers win

Richard Daley, the Democratic mayor of Chicago, made sure enough rigged ballots would carry the day for his party's nominee. Republicans, however, advised by incumbent president Dwight D. Eisenhower, did not contest the 1960 results, that would have set a divisive precedent for the nation.

Democrats can't accept 'no'

Hopefully, this election won't divide the country even more than it is. I'm not optimistic about that though.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Must read article

Europeans don’t want to deal with the monster and neither does the rest of the world. The monster, it appears, has moved into their countries and is now on their front lines. They know that if they try to deal with it, they will have another European-wide war which will rival the Second World War. And, frankly, for the last 50 years that has always been the American job to figure out how to fix that sort of thing. The European attitude appears to be: let’s fight terrorism without rocking the boat.

From Banagor: You Gave Us Bush

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Every little bit helps

Eighteen percent is not good but it's a step in the right direction.

That helped the president narrow the still sizable gap with Kerry among blacks, who preferred the four-term Massachusetts senator over Bush, 69 percent to 18 percent. The group's poll before the 2000 election found Gore with a 74 percent to 9 percent lead over Bush.

Poll: Bush Doubles Support Among Blacks

I am hearing Bush ads on some of the black radio stations in New York. Bush needs to do more of that.

Friday, October 15, 2004

This is very unsettling

Thank God for seat belt laws. I'll never sneer at them again.

Anti-terror officials were called in last night after cops stopped a man carrying a fake passport and $40,000 in cash and money orders at the Manhattan-bound entrance to the Battery Tunnel, sources said.

Terrorism cops step in for bust at tunnel

It's interesting that they don't say what this man's background is. Must be one of those peaceful Buddhists. (sarcasm)

He's not speaking for me

If he hates it so much here he ought to consider moving. Who died and left him in charge of what most blacks were doing on 9/11. I was definitely not cheering, I had friends that died in the WTC. Some of these entertainers need to stick to what they do, entertaining, and stop spouting off about politics.

The hip-hop anarchist has declared his solidarity with al-Qaida by asserting that he and other African-Americans "cheered when 9-11 happened," reports the New York Daily News.

Rapper: Blacks 'cheered when 9-11 happened'

Saturday, October 09, 2004

The Global Test

Another great article from Banagor.

To make matters worse, he wants France, Germany, and Belgium and other countries, who make billions of dollars off of these regimes through the corrupt United Nations bureaucracy, to have a say in telling us if it’s okay to take down the regimes they support and from which they make gobs of filthy blood cash.

That just doesn’t wash with me. I don’t care what the United Nations has to say about anything.

The Gloves Are Off

Friday, October 08, 2004

Islamic Aggression - You don't say!?

There's something wrong with this picture.

Although the law differed in different places, the following are examples of colonialist laws to which colonized Christians and Jews were made subject to over the years:

Christians and Jews could not bear arms -- Muslims could;
Christians and Jews could not ride horses -- Muslims could;
Christians and Jews had to get permission to build -- Muslims did not;
Christians and Jews had to pay certain taxes which Muslims did not;
Christians could not proselytize -- Muslims could;
Christians and Jews had to bow to their Muslim masters when they paid their taxes; and
Christians and Jews had to live under the law set forth in the Koran, not under either their own religious or secular law.

1,400 Years of Islamic Aggression: An Analysis

These people are bloodthirsty savages

The video seen by Reuters showed Bigley pleading for his life as six men stood behind him. One read a statement, then cut off Bigley's head with a knife and brandished it.

Terrorists in Iraq Behead British Hostage

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Terror Targets?

Maybe it's time to remove floor plans, etc., from school internet sites.

Schools in six states in particular are being watched closely based on information uncovered by the U.S. military in Baghdad this summer, law enforcement and education officials told ABC News.

A man described as an Iraqi insurgent involved in anti-coalition activities had downloaded school floor plans and safety and security information about elementary and high schools in the six states, according to officials.

Iraq Link Focuses School Worry on 6 States

After Beslan, anything is possible.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Weird News

That must have hurt.

A elderly Romanian man mistook his penis for a chicken's neck, cut it off and his dog rushed up and ate it, the state Rompres news agency says.

The report on Monday said 67 year-old Constantin Mocanu, from a village near the southeastern town of Galati, rushed out into his yard in his underwear to kill a noisy chicken keeping him awake at night.

Romanian mistakenly cuts off penis

Friday, October 01, 2004

Why is Haiti so prone to disaster?

The U.S.-led multi-national forces that moved in when Aristide left have been replaced by U.N. peacekeepers, charged with disarming rebels who helped oust Aristide as well as pro-Aristide militants, but armed groups still operate in outlying rural areas. Most of the country remains beyond the rule of law.

The economic situation is no better. An interim government has taken shape, but it has few resources to be effective. Corruption is rife, the country’s infrastructure is shattered. And government agencies are unable to provide Haitians with even the most basic services.

Read the whole thing.