Dee's Tracings

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Ice Skating is Fun!'s also good exercise

Adults who want to burn the maximum calories, or just want to gain more confidence on the ice, can join a learn-to-skate program. Many ice rinks -- both indoor and out -- have added adult programs for those who want instruction in the basic skills without the pressure to compete with fast-learning children.

Coaches say the biggest obstacle for adults wanting to pick up the sport is the fear of falling. A lesson helps adults get over that fear, ``and learn to fall correctly,'' Smith said.

Also, since skaters are continually faced with new challenges, Smith said, individuals incorporating skating into their fitness regime are less likely to get bored and quit.

``You can just flow and you don't have to think about it,'' said Conor McLaughlin, 24, of Boston, who skates at Frog Pond in the Boston Common three to four times a week.

McLaughlin started skating four years ago, after quitting a high-stress job. He found being on the ice relaxing. Completely self-taught, McLaughlin said he learns new moves by watching figure skaters on TV.

``It's not conformed motion like being at the gym,'' he said. ``It's like dancing on the ice.''

The New York Times > AP > National > More Adults Turning to Ice Skating


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